The netWork idea is simple.


To provide young people with inspiring work placement and mentoring opportunities, by sharing our wealth of professional contacts with those who do not have access to such valuable business connections.


Our mission

Our mission is to inspire workplace confidence and professional ambition in young people who may not necessarily have exposure to a range of stimulating and diverse careers. netWork is a social inclusion initiative. It is a free service and is run by volunteers.


How we work

Our small team works with state schools, colleges and local authorities to support their careers programmes, on an individual, case by case basis.

Broadly, our work falls into two categories, work placements and speakers/mentors.


Our students

Hear first hand how netWork has benefitted our students, through the provision of challenging work placements and supportive work mentors.

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Business supporters

We rely on the invaluable support of all our professional contacts who give their time and expertise so generously to the netWork initiative. Without them, netWork would not exist. Find out more from some of our amazing business partners and hear what they say about working with us.

“Administration was seamless” Dr Catrin Griffiths, The Lawyer magazine

“Impressive aims and tangible results” Edward Cox, Chairman, The Fairstead Trust

“Rewarding and energising” Dylan Williams, Chief Strategic Officer, Droga5

If you think your organisation may be able to help netWork in any way, please drop us a line at

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Education partners

We work with state schools, sixth form colleges and local authorities, helping support and enrich their career programmes. Primarily, we source relevant work placements for their students but can also arrange professional speakers and career mentors. Hear what some of our education partners say about netWork and how we can help.

“Fantastic support” Shirley Anuku, Manager of Careers, Opportunities & Alumni, London Academy of Excellence

“Very helpful and committed” Deborah Sturrock, Sixth Form Administrator, Chestnut Grove Academy, Balham, London

We are always delighted to talk to new schools and colleges about how we might be able help them. Please email us at


Our team


Our team was founded in friendship and a desire to address the disparity of career opportunity that faces some young people. We share access to our network of contacts, in order to provide interesting and valuable work experience to students and to connect them with professionals who will inspire and mentor them.

Contact us

If you would like to know more about what we do or perhaps you are an interested business supporter, education organisation or young person, we would love to hear from you.

Please drop us a email at and one of the team will get back to you.