Business supporters


Each netWork business relationship is unique and is developed to ensure it is a positive experience for both the student and the placement host. Without the generous provision of work placements, industry speakers and mentor opportunities, we could not offer the service we do for young, less advantaged students.

We would especially like to thank the following companies for their invaluable support:

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Founding Sponsor VCCP

VCCP is our founding sponsor and has provided excellent professional assistance as well as offering inspiring work placements for students every year since our inception in 2018.

"What a fantastic initiative netWork is and we are incredibly proud to be a founding partner of the charity. To create something which cuts across many other initiatives in this space and truly delivers access and opportunity to young people is very powerful and we can’t wait to get started again with our student placements back in the office.”

Stephanie Brimacombe, CEO Europe and Group CMO, VCCP

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The Editor, Dr Catrin Griffiths, has offered outstanding placement opportunities and mentorship to several students since 2018.

“We had been keen for some time to host meaningful work experience for sixth-form students but had struggled to find the right partner until we teamed up with netWork. They found us hugely talented, energetic sixth-formers who were an absolute delight to host, and the administration was seamless, which meant that we could concentrate on creating two weeks of challenging and exciting content. The Lawyer’s experience with netWork’s sixth-formers has helped the wider company to shape and launch internships for undergraduates. I thoroughly recommend netWork for their energy, vision and execution.” 

Dr Catrin Griffiths, The Lawyer magazine

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The Fairstead Trust has provided invaluable legal support in the development of the netWork charity. 

“The Fairstead Trust is a family trust that has been supporting well managed community projects involving young people for many years. The Fairstead Trust is an enthusiastic supporter of netWork, with its laudable aim to engage and encourage young people by offering inspiring work experience to those who may not usually have access to such opportunities. These chances can have a real impact in helping young people starting out on their career path.”

Edward Cox, Chairman, The Fairstead Trust

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Dylan Williams has offered exceptional support for our speakers programme with the London Academy of Excellence.

“Talent is evenly distributed but opportunity is not. One of the systemic bias that continues to hold people back is a lack of a ‘professional network’; having no friends and family connections already ‘in the game’. This isn’t just unfair it is remiss of employers who are missing huge swathes of the talent pool. netWork is a brilliant response to this issue and I was delighted to take up the opportunity they created to talk to LAE students at their recent careers fair. To share tips, experience and ideas with a zoom/room of hungry and enthusiastic young minds was as rewarding and energising for me as I hope it proved for them. We at Droga5 are very much in for more.”

Dylan Williams, Chief Strategic Officer, Droga5

And special thanks to Frame by Frame Productions for their photography.

Please get in touch, if you'd like to help us inspire young people to be confident & ambitious in their career choices. We’d love to hear from you.