Our students


Hear from some of our students, in their own words…



“I was lucky enough to secure my first piece of legal work experience at The Lawyer magazine with the help of netWork. This flicked the switch on my love for the law and I am now studying a Law LLB degree at the University of London.

I was given a variety of challenging tasks to encourage my thinking and develop my written and oral advocacy skills. As a state school student who had no experience with the law, my placement at The Lawyer was a shock to the system.

A unique benefit was the legal connections I had the opportunity to make. It was from this that I was inspired to organise and compete in the first mooting competition in my area, for which I secured Blackstone Chambers’ Tom Mountford, to judge. 

The biggest impact was the belief it gave me in myself, my abilities and my aspirations for a career at the Criminal Bar. I owe this to editor of The Lawyer magazine, Catrin Griffiths, who mentored me and inspired me in so many ways. This work experience gave me something that I will use for the rest of my life, and that is unapologetic confidence.“

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“My netWork placement at The Lawyer quite simply changed my life. I was given tasks that really pushed and challenged me as a student with little exposure to the legal world. Since the placement, I have received incredible support, particularly with career advice and my University of Cambridge application and interviews. I am so grateful for this opportunity which has absolutely inspired me to aim high and dream big.”

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“The placement netWork arranged for me at VCCP introduced me into the world of advertising. My experience was challenging and very interesting. Learning the various elements of advertising and working with companies such as O2 and Compare the Market, were the highlights of my two weeks at VCCP. The staff were amazing and welcoming, they supported me and helped me to develop confidence and skills that I still use in the working world. To sum up my experience in three words - inspiring, enlightening and FUN!”



“VCCP was an experience that I was blessed with. I was placed in the vibrant workspace through the netWork organisation on a two week placement and it was an environment that I didn’t want to leave. I was treated with nothing but respect and gratitude; as if I was another employee there. Everyone that I had worked with made me feel more than welcome! The outcome of working with VCCP allowed me to become a more confident and sociable person as I was constantly challenged and placed in new and unfamiliar environments. I can only thank them for what they have done for me!"